Ing. Olga Prokopová, Ph.D.

Oddělení:  Oddělení D 2 – Termodynamika
Telefon: 266053143
Budova:  Hlavní budova, Dolejškova 1402/5, Praha
Publikace: Vyhledat v databázi AVČR
WoS Researcher ID: U-7272-2018


2000 - Ph.D. at Faculty of Enviromental Technology at University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT Prague), program: Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Enviroment

1996 - Master’s degree at  UCT Prague, Faculty of Enviromental Technology, Department of Gaseous and Solid Fuels and Air Protection


Study stays and working activities

2019 -  Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS, v.v.i.

2014-2018 -  Institute of Criminalistics (ICP), Prague, forensic expert in the field of inorganic chemistry and physico-chemical examinations of micro-traces (GSR).

2010-2013 -  University of Chemistry and Technology Prague : Design and construction of a high pressure pilot apparatus for natural gas drying up to 80 bar within the MPO project (Innovation and optimalization of nature gas drying technologies for capacity increase of nature gas storages, FR-TI1/173 in cooperation with CTU).

1999-2014 -  J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, CAS, Department of Structure and Dynamics in Catalysis,  Design and construction of apparatus for testing zeolitic membranes for separation of two-component gas mixtures, synthesis of non-composite membranes, adsorption, kinetics of template decomposition in zeolitic structures.

2003 -2005  Designed and constructed device for stationary/non-stationary permeations of one/two-component gas mixtures up to 10 bar and instrument to estimate the defects of porous solids based on gas-liquid displacement within the post-doctoral grant (GAČR).

2002 - Institute de Rechcerches sur la Catalyse (CNRS) in Villeurbanne, France, European project IMPRESS, development of membranes for ammonia production. (6 months)

2001 - Institute de Rechcerches sur la Catalyse (CNRS) in Villeurbanne, France, post-doctoral stay, Evaluation of the quality of tubular zeolite-based membranes from equilibrium and dynamic data of water sorption. (6 months)


Maternity leave : April 2004 – September 2004 and November 2006 - January 2010
