September 11, 2024: CETAV Knowledge Transfer Services
What: Training aimed at improving scientists’ skills in knowledge transfer and the use of research results in practice.
For whom: For anyone interested in knowledge transfer, effective collaboration with industry and finding partners for contract research.
Training leaders: Transfer office – CeTAV
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March 6, 2023: What can EURAXESS do for you?
What: Presentation of EURAXESS services for foreign researchers and their family members.
For whom: Foreign researchers
Workshop leader: Z. Maršálková (EURAXESS Czech Republic)
December 21, 2022: Recruitment and interviewing
What: Training on good practices in recruitment, selection and interviewing.
For whom: Research leaders
Workshop leader: J. Rupp (Institute of Experimental Medicine of the CAS)
Programme (in Czech)
December 5, 2022: Prevention of sexual harassment, discrimination and similar undesirable phenomena
For whom: All employees
Workshop leader: P. Pavlík (Charles University)
Programme (in Czech)
September 21, 2022: Fundamentals of Negotiation Workshop (ONLINE)
What: Interactive remote learning workshop to explore the essential theory, knowledge and methodologies that enable considered, professional and effective approach to negotiation.
For whom: Research leaders
Workshop leader: R. Marshall (Robert Mashall & Associates)
September 19, 2022: Management skills – roles and competencies of a leader, leading people and teams
What: Training on roles and competencies of a leader, leading people and teams.
For whom: Research leaders
Workshop leader: M. Černá (Facilita CZ s.r.o.)
Programme (in Czech)
December 7 and 9, 2021: Protection of intellectual property, confidential information and research data (ONLINE)
What: Research results as an object of intellectual property, application of results in practice.
For whom: Research leaders
Workshop leaders: L . Scholzová, M. Beluský, J. Hruška (CeTTAV)
Programme (in Czech)
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June 15-16, 2021: Ethical and Professional Aspects in Research (ONLINE)
What: Training on ethics of scientific work, equal treatment and non-discrimination, equality policies and gender equality plans, intersectional categories in science.
For whom: Research leaders
Workshop leaders: E. Baranyiová, Š. Homfray, T. Crofony, G. Langhammerová (Institute of Sociology of the CAS)
Programme (in Czech)
June 15-16, 2020: Human Resource Strategy For Researchers (ONLINE)
What: A distance learning about the Charter & Code and how to write a successful application for the HR Excellence in Research Award.
For whom: HRS4R team
Workshop leader: Mary Kate O’Regan (University College Cork)