Funding provider: Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)
Grant ID: GA24-12144S
Project objectives: At peak renewable energy production, it is necessary to operate steam turbines in modes outside the optimal design load. Modern steam turbines therefore have to operate under variable loading, which can lead to serious aeroelastic stability problems. Lower mass flow ratio results in a redistribution of the pressure field along the blades and the formation of spatial flow structures with a pronounced radial component. The main objective is therefore to experimentally and numerically investigate the effect of a 3D flow field with a radial flow component on aeroelastic stability and a formation of „stall flutter“ for lower turbine blade loadings. Another important objective will be the development of a new aero-elastic model based on a neural network. This new model will be able to simulate extremely fast blade-fluid interaction problems while maintaining a complexity of the problem. The research will contribute significantly to a more accurate description of the effect of the 3D flow field on blade stability and to safer blade design for a wide range of loadining conditions.
Principal investigator: Ing. Luděk Pešek, CSc.
Project recipient: Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS
Other project participant: University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences