The Brain4Industry consortium (B4I), of which the Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS is a member, succeeded in The Digital Europe Programme, a new EU funding programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and public administrations via the network of European centers for digital innovations (EDIH). The goal of the EDIH B4I center is to help small and medium-sized enterprises with digitization and application of artificial intelligence in their production processes. Specifically, it will help companies with the transformation towards higher productivity or new products thanks to the possibility of using the shared research and development infrastructure of the B4I consortium, including digitization, digital auditing, additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies and mathematical simulations. The leader of the B4I consortium is the Institute of Physics of the CAS, via the HiLASE center and the MATCA National Center of Competence. Besides the Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS other members of the consortium include the CARDAM, the Central Bohemian Innovation Center and STAR Research & Innovation Cluster.