Ing. David Šimurda, Ph.D.

Position:  Deputy head of department
Department:  Department D 1 - Fluid Dynamics
Phone: (+420) 266053303
Location:  Main Building, Dolejškova 1402/5, Praha
Publications: Search in ASEP Database
WoS Researcher ID: H-1340-2014
LinkedIn: Linkedin

2011: Ph.D., CTU FME Prague, Thermomechanics and Fluid Mechanics
2006: Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR
2006: Ing., CTU FME Prague, Applied Mechanics
2004: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany, intership (2 months)
2002/2003: University of Glasgow, UK, studies  (9 months)

Selected publications

Šimurda D., Psota P., Šidlof P., Kielb R., Luxa M., Hála J., Lepičovský J.: Optical Measurement and Visualization of Transonic Airflow in a Compressor Blade Cascade. Journal of Visualization. (2023) Vol. 26, nr. 3 , pp. 529-549.

Lepičovský J., Šimurda D., Kielb R. E., Šidlof P., Štěpán M.: Quasi-Dynamic Approximation of Unsteady Pressure Distribution for Transonic Airfoils in Flutter. ASME. J. Turbomach. (2023) 145(8):081010

Psota P., Çubreli G., Šimurda D., Šidlof P., Kredba J., Stašík M., Lédl V.: Noise-resistant two-wavelength interferometry for single-shot measurement of high-gradient flows. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. May (2023). Vol. 164, nr. 107505

Šidlof P., Šimurda D., Lepičovský J., Štěpán M., Vomáčko V.: Flutter in a simplified blade cascade: Limits of the quasi-steady approximation. Journal of Fluids and Structures. July (2023). Vol. 120,  nr. 103913.

Šimurda, D., Fürst, J., Hála, J. et al. Near-Wall Flow in the Blade Cascades Representing Last Rotor Root Sections of Large Output Steam Turbines. J. Therm. Sci. 30, 220–230 (2021).

Lepicovsky, J., and Simurda, D. (October 10, 2018). "Past Developments and Current Advancements in Unsteady Pressure Measurements in Turbomachines." ASME. J. Turbomach. November 2018; 140(11): 111005.

Radnic, T., Hála, J., Luxa, M., Šimurda, D., Fürst, J., Hasnedl, D., and Kellner, J. (July 31, 2018). "Aerodynamic Effects of Tie-Boss in Extremely Long Turbine Blades." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. November 2018; 140(11): 112604.

Luxa M., Příhoda J., Šimurda D., Straka P., Synáč J. (2016). Investigation of the Compressible Flow through the Tip-Section Turbine Blade Cascade with Supersonic Inlet. Journal of Thermal Science., Vol. 25, Issue. 2, pp. 138-144

Šimurda, D. ; Luxa, M. ; Šafařík, P. ; Synáč J. ; Rudas B. Aerodynamic Data for Two Variants of Root Turbine Blade Sections for a 54" Turbine Rotor Blade. ASME Paper GT2014-25323. In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014 : Power for Land, Sea and Air. Düsseldorf : ASME, 2014.

Šimurda D., Fürst J., Luxa M. (2013). 3D Flow Past Transonic Turbine Cascade SE 1050 - Experiment and Numerical Simulations. Journal of Thermal Science., Vol. 22, Issue. 4, pp. 311-319.

Dvořák R., Šafařík P., Luxa M., Šimurda, D. Optimizing the Tip Section Profiles of a Steam Turbine Blading. ASME Paper TBTS2013-2027. In Proceedings of ASME Turbine Blade Tip Symposium. Hamburg: ASME, 2013.

Šimurda, D. ; Luxa, M. ; Šafařík, P. Aerodynamic Investigations of Root Sections of Long Rotor Blades Applied at the Last
Stages of Steam Turbines. ASME Paper GT2012-68043. In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012: Power for Land, Sea and Air GT2012. Copenhagen: ASME, 2012. S. 1-10.

Šimurda, D. ; Luxa, M. ; Šafařík, P. Aerodynamic Research on the MCA – Type Compressor Blade Cascade. ASME Paper GT2010-22153. In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air GT2010. Glasgow : ASME, 2010. S. 1-10. ISBN 978-0-7918-3872-3.

Šimurda, D. ; Luxa, M. ; Synáč, J. ; Šafařík, P. Aerodynamic Research on the Tip Sections of a Long Turbine Blade. ASME Paper GT2008-50096. In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2008 : Power for Land, Sea and Air. Berlín : ASME, 2008. S. 1-8. ISBN 0-7918-3824-2.

Šimurda, D. ; Luxa, M. ; Šafařík, P. ; Synáč, J. Aerodynamic Research on the Midsection of a Long Turbine Blade. Task Quarterly: scientific bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, 2008, Roč. 12, 3-4, s. 135-145. ISSN 1428-6394.

Šimurda, D. ; Popelka, L. ; Zelený, L. ; Matějka, M. Wing Body Interaction: CFD and In-Flight Testing. In Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Reykjavík : University of Iceland Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008. S. 1-6. ISBN N.


2023–2026LUAUS23231Origins and mechanisms of flutter and non-synchronous vibration in modern turbomachines operating at wide range of regimes