Photo: Brontosauři v Himalájích
Radka Kellnerová from the Laboratory of Environmental Aerodynamics took part in the mission of 30 Czech scientists and teachers in Little Tibet, which has been organised annually since 2008 at the Spring Dales Public School in Little Tibet, India, by the Czech NGO “Brontosauři v Himalájích”. Since Radka has been a meteorologist for twenty years, she decided to introduce the children from Little Tibet to “what is happening in the sky”.
“The lessons will start with a description of basic meteorological phenomena and in the second half the children will build their own weather station. The pupils will learn how a weather station should be placed, what it consists of and what each instrument does. At the end they will program the different components and their functions. When the children are in another city and going back to their village, they will be able to see if it is raining or hot at home.”
Read the full article in Czech here