Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics

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Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. CTU in Prague Faculty of Mech. Engineering Dept. Tech. Mathematics MIO Université du Sud Toulon Var - AMU - CNRS - IRD Czech Pilot centre ERCOFTAC
Multifractal Analysis of a Wake for a Single Wind Turbine

S. Strijhak, J.M. Redondo, J. Tellez

Wind energy is an important component of renewable energy sources. Studying of turbulent wakes for wind turbines and interactions with Atmospheric Boundary Layer is an urgent problem. The theory of chaos and fractal geometry with some research in fluid dynamics will change profoundly the scope of complex scale to scale transport in theory of turbulence, in particular when body forces, such as stratification and rotation are important. For this reason, we present some preliminary ideas and some results of the analysis of the structure function and multi-fractal behaviour of the evolution of turbulence in the wake of a single wind turbine through the scaling analysis using the program ImaCalc. The analysis of fractal dimension was performed on the results of a numerical simulation consisting on a Large-Eddy Simulation and Lagrangian Dynamic Smagorinsky Mode (LDSM)l for the wind turbine wakes in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer by OpenFoam software. The role of intermittency in wind turbine technology in the stratified Atmosphere is also discussed.

wind energy, wind turbine, turbulence, wake, experiment, numerical simulation, isotropic turbulent flows, self-similarity dimension, intermittency, large eddy simulation, numerical domain, Lagrangian-averaged scale-independent dynamic Smagorinsky model, Actuator Line Model, velocity, vorticity, nonlinear process, fractal dimension
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In Proceedings Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2017, Prague, 2017 Edited by David Šimurda and Tomáš Bodnár, pp. 275-284
ISBN 978-80-87012-61-1 (Print)
ISSN 2336-5781 (Print)
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